Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Is It Healthy to Consume Raw Eggs?

Is eating or drinking raw eggs healthy? Why is there a debate about the health benefits of eating raw eggs when bodybuilders and athletes are known to include raw eggs in their diet?

Nutritional Value of Raw Eggs

Eggs are a good source of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, E, D, K, B2, B5, B12, phosphorus, lutein and protein. Eating raw eggs helps eliminate your body’s stored toxins which, in turn, cleanses your entire system.

One concern about consuming too much raw egg white is the possibility of developing biotin deficiency, because the avidin in the egg white can bind the biotin and prevent nutrient absorption in the body. Biotin, which is needed for cell growth and the production of fatty acids, is actually present in the egg yolk in high content. This means that eating both the egg white and the egg yolk can increase biotin levels and help prevent biotin deficiency.

Egg Cholesterol

The cholesterol in eggs is not harmful, contrary to common belief. Eggs contain healthy fats that help cleanse your body. The cholesterol you get from eating unprocessed, raw eggs cannot lead to heart attack by itself, either. Several studies have shown that people who have had a heart attack have not necessarily eaten more fats, and some had even lesser fat intake than others. Each medium-sized egg, weighing about 44 grams, can contain around 63 calories.

Enjoying Raw Eggs

You can enjoy your raw eggs by cracking the shell (make sure it doesn't have cracks and it doesn't give off a foul smell), pouring it in a glass or cup and drinking it immediately. Slicing the egg white can also help you gulp it down easier.

And whilst others start their mornings with baked eggs in avocado, you can add scoops or slices of avocado to your raw eggs. Some use a food processor to mix them together.

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